The first half of a lively weekend!

The DMZ obviously required an entry of its own, being incredibly evocative, but this weekend was quite eventful and so seems to warrant a second entry. I just couldn’t bring myself to put Friday and Saturday’s fun together with Sunday’s sobering experience.

On Friday night I went to see Jason Mraz – an American acoustic singer who I once saw as a support act back home and really enjoyed. One of the biggest benefits or Rokon – apart from seeing my writing in print of course – is the fact that I get my insatiable appetite for live music regularly quenched with free tickets to the most expensive gigs in town. This one would have cost over $100 if I had paid myself. Jason Mraz really is a genius playing live: creative; amusing; basically about as entertaining on stage as anyone I’ve seen. Having spent over two weeks attempting to scrounge the night off work and eventually succeeded I’m very pleased that it was definitely worth the hassle. He’ll be back in August as well: something to look forward to. I won’t bore you with the details – if you’re really interested there’s a Rokon review to be added over the next few days, it’s been a year since the magazine was taken over by it’s current owners, and we’re running a ‘best of’ article next month. Jason Mraz impressed the boss so much he’ll be getting ‘gig of the year’.

Throughout the past week I’ve been talking via facebook with Mike – a friend from Warwick – who has somehow landed himself in Korea and Japan for a few days holiday before going to work in Australia for a few months. We finally met up on Saturday with the intention of going to watch some baseball. Sadly the game was rained off, but we did manage to spend an afternoon relaxing in the pubs in Hongdae before heading for Calum’s leaving party. Calum is one only two teachers left at my place who’ve been here since I arrived. He’s off home via the trans-Siberian railway and North Korea to do a Masters in Politics. Apart from the Masters I’m insanely jealous. To celebrate his return (or exiting the Twilight Zone as it’s become known) we went for Mexican in the University district of Sincheon. I went home shortly after – via a few Tequilas with Mike – due to the DMZ trip (see entry below). I’m pleased to report that it’s not Monday afternoon and Calum is looking distinctly worse for ware from Saturday night. It was clearly a night out to remember.

All in all quite a weekend – pushing myself to do something other than rest after my insane working weeks is clearly worth the effort. To more weekends like this!


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