Bling Magazine Profile

Bling (or, to give it’s a full title, the wonderfully Konglish ‘the Bling’) ran a profile of all of us new writers who moved over from Rokon this month. The English content stuff won’t begin until next month (it looks like the first ever English content feature article will be my interview piece about Pendulum!), but the magazine wanted to ‘introduce us to the readers’. As a result the August issue has a picture of seven of us charging towards the camera (from the photo shoot about three weeks ago) along with a short piece introducing each person. Weird, but very exciting! Mine says:

제임스 헨디캇 James Hendicott_ENGLISH CONTENT WRITER

발행인이었던 줄리안익표현을 빌자면 “제임스는 천재” 라고 한다. 한국에 온 지 15개월이 된 그는 글을 쓰는데 뛰어난 감각을 쟈냐고 있다. 영국 세일즈베리 출신인 제임스는 데학 졸업 후 바로 한국으로 날아왔다. 그는 “앞으로도 계속 글을 쓰고 싶다” 며, ‘잡지쟁이’ 의포부를 밝혔다. 앞으로 그는 블링을 통해 꽤나 앞서가는 취재와 기사 작성 능력을 보여즐 예정이다.
(taken from Bling Magazine August 2008 issue – no. 42, pg72-73)

Which more than likely makes even less sense to you than it does to me, so here’s a translation some friends helped me out with:

James Hendicott – English Content Writer

Julian, the publisher of Rokon, said that James is a genius. He has been in Korea for about 15 months and has a great talent in writing. James, born in Salisbury, England, flew to Korea right after his graduation (actually I didn’t, but I’ll live!). He expressed his ambition, to become ‘a magazine writer’, saying that he wants to continue writing in the future. He is going to show his brilliant ability at writing and reporting to us all through .

Very cool! I can’t wait for the first article to come out next month. Continuing to write for Bling after I move to Ireland is looking extremely likely too, which will be great. I’m hyped, I could get used to being called a genius in print!

J x

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