Post Party were made, in a large part, out of a period of bustling creativity over the pandemic. Now, freshly remodelled as a three-piece after the departure of their drummer, the Dublin-based trio have just a single EP out so far, in ‘We’re Not Getting Any Younger’, but have already been making waves. In particular, they’ve attracted the continued interest of TV series ‘Made In Chelsea’, who have now featured several of their songs.
“Made in Chelsea have been very good to us over the last few years. They’ve used 3 of our tracks on various episodes. At this rate we should be attending the Christmas party next month,” the band joke. “In all truth it was massive for us, being our first TV spot play it’s something we won’t forget about and greatly appreciate.”
Following the departure of drummer Peter after ten year of involved, on and off, with the band, the remaining trio are keen to push things forward.
“Writing an album is definitely something we have always wanted to do as Post-Party,” they say. “We’ve taken our time getting to the place where we feel like we’re ready to undertake such a feat. I think contextually albums are still very relevant for certain artists. The way the industry has gravitated towards singles with online streaming becoming the dominant means for music consumption, doesn’t leave the album as artefact.”
“Active fans will want to engage with a body of work and it’s often the place where you as an artist can really find your voice and message, and now is a more important time for that interpersonal relationship between music and listeners than ever before. I don’t think there’s a world where we would consider not doing an album, it’s definitely important to us as a band.”
With that in mind, there’s an ever-expanding backdrop of tracks that the band love to add to, though only a small handful have a formal release.
“The bank of songs is always expanding. We really enjoy writing, it doesn’t feel like a grind,” they say. “It’s really important to maintain that steady flow and consistency to keep your brain in tune with who you are as an artist. A good idea can be spontaneous and romantic, but when you’re sitting ready for it, you’re going to catch more of those spontaneous moments.”
“Life gets in the way from time to time but as of now we all write together and separately before bringing it all together in the rehearsal room. It has always felt very natural and we pursue authenticity by trying to represent as much of ourselves in the writing as possible.”
One line, “your fragrant glares perfumed the air,” seems to have drawn particular love.
“The line references a really quite awkward situation people often find themselves in,” they explain. “We’ve all had a tiff with someone that maybe doesn’t get fully resolved and things are left in limbo until the issue is actually confronted. In that moment the tensions are high and it’s palpable to everyone in the room.”
“The line plays with the idea of that tension being an odour hanging around and lingering in the air, like when you spray your favourite perfume; it’s so present you can taste it.”
“We’ve been patient with getting out on the road but we feel ready to cut our teeth,” they say of the bigger picture. “We have big hopes to book some shows for the new year and we’re really excited about the new music on the way. We’re going to keep pushing in the right direction and then after Christmas we’re going to kick hard into the new year. We’ve a lot of ambition and we’ll keep our chins tilted up.”