As one of those acts that were just building up a head of steam when the music industry shut down entirely at the start of the pandemic, Post-Party have been thrown into an interesting time of career conundrum. How, for example, do you maintain a reputation as a massive live band, whilst keeping your name out there in the midst of an enforced sabbatical?
It’s turned out they have the answers. With latest single ‘Wasting Time’ lighting up Spotify playlists and previous effort ‘Being Honest’ featuring on cult TV show Made In Chelsea in recent months, the Dublin four-piece are building towards something bigger than a single, and have uncovered a passion for video production along the way, too.
“There’s definitely something big on the horizon,” they say. “In terms of new songs, we have loads in the bank, we’re just waiting for the right time to release them into the world.”
“It usually starts out with one of us writing the bones of a song, and bringing it to someone else in the band,” they say of the process of producing their music. “They may add more ideas. We usually jam it out in a rehearsal and see how far we can get with it, and if we’re happy we’ll bring it into Logic and start to fine line out parts separately. Keelan will then add his magic touch and we’ll have a great sounding demo that can communicate our ideas fully to our producers.”
Returning to that production process, and the stage, will be key for the boisterous pop-rockers. “It’s definitely not been fun,” they say. “We went from playing Electric Picnic and supporting Miles Kane to not even being able to see each other. We’re gonna be rehearsing together constantly for the next couple of months until we finally get back to gigging.”
“When you want to release music at the highest quality, the industry is very financially straining, especially when there’s no live shows. The only real source of income for artists is sync deals and streaming revenue. Although these days, with a DAW [Digital Audio Workstation] and a great producer, you can do anything.”
“The future has been so blurry over the past year, but luckily it’s becoming clearer and clearer as the months pass. We’ve moved to Roscommon and are spending the summer writing and recording music, which is gonna be a lot of fun. We’re hoping that the house will be a creative zone for writing music, while also being a place where we can create unique content for people to get to know us even more.”
For now, Post-Party will have to content themselves with the idea that one day they’ll get to build on the live memories they’ve already established, and when they do so, they’ll be doing it from a more grounded place.
“We played a headline show in London in December 2019, and we brought a few of our friends over with us and got an AirBnB, what could go wrong really?” they recall. “Our guitarist, Matthew, had given one of our friends the responsibility of looking after his guitar.”
“We got a bus from the airport to our accommodation, and in the excitement of being to London for the first time, our friend forgot Matthew’s guitar on the bus. Maybe not the funniest moment, more the most stressful, but we laugh about it now. Luckily, the lads chased down the bus and got the guitar back.” When Post-Party return, it looks like those tours will be bigger and better.