January’s been pretty intense. Fun, but also crammed full of launching a magazine, job hunting and making a vague effort to get into running again (which, I’ve just noticed, isn’t reflected in these images at all, but I guess I need to cover some real distance before it’s worth throwing up in an image!). I’m glad it’s worked out this way, because the highs and lows involved in this sum up why I decided to go for the Happy Days concept in the first place. Is it working as motivation? Who knows, but stuff certainly seems to be happening, with a little help from my friends! This one goes from 5mph to 100 at right about day 39. Without further ado, here’s the second installment. Click here for Days 1-20!
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
Teething baby, tired Sunday #100happydays #day24
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A day at the ball pool #100happydays #day30
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
A photo posted by James Hendicott (@jameshendicott) on
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